Online payment is processed securely by PayPal and therefore Springfield Florist DO NOT hold any credit or debit card information.
When you have successfully placed an order you will receive a confirmation receipt from Springfield Florist as well as a confirmation email from PayPal confirming your payment. If you do not receive any such receipts, please contact us.
Here are some of the ways that PayPal keeps your information secure:
- They use industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.
- They don't share your financial information with the merchant.
- They send you a confirmation email when you make a payment.
Did you Know that You Do Not Need a PayPal Account to Pay with Paypal?
If you do not have a PayPal account and do not wish to sign up for one, it is still possible to pay via PayPal.
Once you are taken to PayPal's site to make payment, simply look for a section on the payment screen that reads "Don't have a PayPal account?". You should see a link titled "continue checkout" somewhere in this section. Select this link to open the credit card input screen and continue with your payment.